Wild Words . . . Photos & Fine Art

Co-creating by heart with sandy cathcart through writers helps and art info, focusing on all things wild.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thanks Mom!

My love of reading and writing came from my mother. She reads everything from cereal labels to giant tomes of fiction.

Nearly every one of my Christmas and birthday gifts included a book. Before I even started school I remember a favorite book about a cat who wore boots and fancy clothes. Soon after, I had a giant book of Grimm's Fairy Tales that traveled with me through two states, several towns and numerous backyard adventures. One tale that stands out to me above all others is about a trio of dogs with enormous eyes. I've often wondered what happened to that book. What a delight if it would somehow turn up after all these years.

My mother always wanted to be a writer . . . and I always thought she could . . . but she didn't believe it herself.

One of the reasons I became a writer was to prove to her that it could be done. I silently hoped that she would fall into my footsteps, but it has never happened. She's content with reading the stories others have written.

These days my mother keeps bugging me to get my novel published while she's still alive. I'm getting very close, my requested manuscript is nearing completion. Perhaps her dream of me getting a book published is soon to come true. That would be good news for both of us! But it won't happen unless I make those final edits . . . unless I believe in myself as a writer.

So, Mom, here you are . . . at least I'm getting some words down and out to the world . . . and you're included in them.

Happy Mother's Day!

And thanks for giving me a dream worthy of pursuing.


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